Whatcom County Fire District #17
Not an official District 17 website.
Sandy Point Fire/EMS special levy election info
SPFD buildings on a good day!
Not an official District 17 website.
Sandy Point Fire/EMS special levy election info
SPFD buildings on a good day!
This site was created to inform the Sandy Point/Neptune Beach
community about the August 6th, 2024 special election. We want every
citizen to understand why our Fire Commissioners have asked us to
approve this critical levy initiative.
Our Sandy Point fire station on Sucia Drive was destroyed twice in 2022
by coastal flooding and nearly again in early January, 2024. Our insurance
was cancelled after the last flooding event. We are currently covered by a
costly FEMA flood insurance policy that will be cancelled when another
flood occurs.
The District staff and Commissioners have examined multiple options and
believe it imperative that a new station be built outside the flood plain. Our
supportive neighbor, Phillips 66, has offered an 11 acre parcel on Slater
Road on a 100 year rent free ground lease. The site is very favorable. It’s
the highest elevation in the District and equal distant between Sandy Point
Shores and Sandy Point Heights. Preliminary site surveys indicate viability
to build the needed structure. The Phillips 66 donation will save our
taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The District has seen a 103% increase in emergency medical calls since
2015 and an additional 30% increase already in 2024. The demographics
of our community are such that increases in the number of emergency
medical service calls and ambulance transports to the hospital will
continue. As with other Fire/EMS departments in our state and nation, it’s
increasingly difficult to recruit volunteers. Our Commissioners believe it
also vital that we raise funds to hire career firefighters/EMT’s to replenish
our aging and declining volunteer force.
Both issues are urgent. We need a new Fire Station and we need to build
reserves to hire additional full time staff. The Levy will address both needs
and assure continued excellent service to our community. We are asking
for a new levy rate of $1.25/$1000 of assessed valuation, an increase from
$.69/$1000 AV.
Without funding the next flood would close our Sucia Drive station.
Taxpayers would see a dramatic increase in homeowner’s insurance
premiums, probably well in excess of the increased taxes for the levy, as
well as substantively greater response times as we seek support from
neighboring districts. As an example, our current average response time is
8 minutes and District 7 (Ferndale) is 14 minutes. One of our Levy team’s
insurance agent quoted an increase from $1660 to $3989 IF the insurance
company didn’t cancel their policy outright, a very real possibility since
response would be greater than 5 miles from their home.
This site provides detailed information on the costs of the levy to individual
taxpayers, additional information on the proposed building site and
structure, relevant information on property insurance increases and
answers to questions raised by community members. We understand that
there is considerable mis-information being shared in the community and
want to assure you have the facts. If you have any questions, please ask!
We want to answer ALL concerns. Our goal is for every member of our
community to be enthusiastically supportive of the levy and vote a
resounding YES on August 6th!
Question: Wouldn't it be easier and more affordable to add fill and raise the two current buildings in the existing location?
Answer: The Fire District thoroughly reviewed the existing location and the legal limitations thereupon. The conclusion is that construction would be more expensive and complicated than building in a new location. There would also be the remaining current problem of rapidly relocating all apparatus and supplies to high, stable ground in the event of a major seismic event and/or tsunami. The proposed location would have all apparatus and all critical supplies on high, protected ground when not in service.
We had a meeting with the owner of CB Premier Construction the pole building contractor for Barlean's, who is very schooled in the permit process, to ask those questions. Here were his responses:
He finished by adding that “even if you could get this project permitted, the construction costs would be significantly more than just starting from nothing”.
Question : The current Washington Stated Ratings Board Fire Protection Class Rating for Sandy Point Heights, Sandy Point Shores, Neptune Beach and Neptune Heights is Class 5. What would happen if District 17 is forced to close Fire Station 56 on Sucia Drive, and the nearest fire station (District 17 Station 42) is over 5 miles away?
Answer: The Fire District is doing everything possible to keep Fire Station 56 operable until a viable replacement can be brought online. In the event of another natural disaster that forces the permanent closure of the fire station without a viable replacement, the Fire Protection Class for this district would be downgraded to Class 9A.
Property owners are encouraged to contact their insurance providers to obtain a quote for their property in the event the Protection Class is downgraded. An example quote is provided for comparison, but doesn't constitute a guarantee of rate or insurability for any specific property.
Here's an Insurance Quote from a similar location, Class 9, for a $750,000. home.
The Next Question? What amount of Tax are we paying now? How does that compare to other Fire Districts?
This is a comparison of Fire District levies throughout Whatcom County. Please note that the levy establishes an annual payment amount for your property. Washington State Law limits that amount to no more than a ONE PERCENT increase every year, no matter how much the assessed value of your property increases.
Please also note that the entire operating budget of the Fire District is paid through this mechanism.
Click the "Learn More" Button (below) to go to Page 2 and the Fire Department Budget.
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